Living Water
“What we drink is as important as what we eat, but most of us aren’t aware that our water is as processed as the processed food we now know to avoid”
Rob Gourlay Phion Chief Scientist
At The Healing Room Tamworth, we understand the critical role that water plays in our health. However, not all water is created equal. Water stored in tanks and dams becomes unstructured, positively charged, and vulnerable to toxic build-up, which can lead to disease.
Magnetised, Energised and Activated (MEA) water devices from Phion, can transform ordinary unstructured water into a life-affirming form. These devices permanently return water to its natural state, which is structured, negatively charged, and free of toxins, for optimal hydration.
What makes MEA water devices unique is that they produce a permanent negative charge essential for cellular integrity, optimise hydration, eliminate pathogens, and neutralise toxins, and promote healthy cell regeneration. They also support better digestion, absorption, assimilation, detoxing, and elimination.
MEA water devices have a range of domestic, agricultural, and commercial applications, and they're easy to install, are maintenance-free and will perform indefinitely. Phion has designed these devices, granted with four Australian innovation patents, which are perfect for bottle tops, under-sink, shower, whole-house systems, industrial and agricultural uses. With MEA water devices, you can ensure that you're drinking and using structured water for optimal health and wellness.
MEA water devices are distributed by The Healing Room Tamworth, so please contact us for any further information. Contact us about MEA Water button.